My Body- God's Temple  

Posted by Kristen LaPointe

Forty-one+ years ago I was born six and a half weeks early, and I was underweight. While I've managed to be early from time to time, I have yet to be underweight since.

College was probably the last time I was within my normal weight limit. Although at the time I considered myself grossly overweight: my thighs were too big, my breasts were too small, my belly looked bloated.

Since having babies, my weight has been a mess. It has yo-yoed up to under 190 and down to over 130, never staying anywhere for very long.

I hate exercise. I use food for rewards and/or medication. I diet for short bursts of time, being very vigilant, then falling off the wagon in a spectacular crash that erases any good the prior work had done.

I have tried eating special foods, not eating special foods, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Diet Pills, Weigh Down, The Rice Diet, The South Beach Diet, the Adkins Diet, the Low Fat Diet, and more- and variations of all.


The body is God's temple.

He created it for us to use to ultimately glorify Him.

He created good, healthy food to make our bodies strong and healthy.

He gave us muscles and joints to work. We can use them by working around the house and the yard. But if we aren't using them enough with regular activities, we need to exercise.

When the body is working well, we feel good. We feel like praising God. We feel like working for Him.


I am working on:

  1. drinking more water/less diet coke
  2. eating more fruits & vegies/less sugars
  3. more working my muscles & joints/less sitting
  4. Being more thankful for every bite/less mindless eating or eating "medicate" myself

is to help me record my trials, errors & successes.

My goal is to make my body, my temple, about God- not about me.

Praise to Him who made me who I am.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 9, 2010 at 8:47 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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